Altered from native wildness; made useful to man. 养驯的;使有用于人的。 Subdued; harmless; gentle. 顺服的;无害的;温柔的。 They will not make a tame surrender of their rights. 他们不会乖乖地让渡权利。 Lacking in spirit; dull. 没精神的;乏味的。 To bring form a wild to a gentle state; subdue. 养驯;使服从。 to tame a wild animal 驯服野兽。 The lion was tamed for the circus. 狮子被驯服来做马戏表演。 To remove spirit or courage from; make quiet. 除去...的精神或勇气;使安静。 To control; harness. 控制;驾驭。 She'd better tame that violent temper. 她最好控制她那暴烈的脾气。 adv. tamely. n. tameness. adj. tamable; tameable. n. tamer. |