To be of use, value, or service. 【文】有用;有价值;有利。 Money does not avail on a desert island. 在荒岛上金钱无用。 Such an argument would not avail. 此种议论无济于事。 To benefit or help. 【文学】裨益;有助于;有利于。 What avails me to oppose them? 反对他们对我有什么好处? avail one nothing 对某人没有用处。 Medicine is often of no avail. 药物时常不管用。 Profits or proceeds. 【古】(常用复数)利益;收益。 of no (little) avail 毫无(几无)用处。 to no (without) avail 徒劳无功地。 utility, service, benefit, advantage. |