One attached to another by affection, regard, or esteem; an intimate acquaintance. 朋友;知己。 The prisoners were handed over to the care of his friends. 囚犯移交其友看管。 A supporter of a cause; an ally. 支持者;盟友。 You will always find a friend in me. 我会永远支持你。 A salutation or greeting. 招呼、致候用语。 A useful quality, condition, or thing. 有用的性质、情况或东西。 A member of a Christian sect that stresses Inner Light, rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry, and opposes war, also called Quaker. 教友派徒;贵格会教徒。 a fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友。 a friend at court 有势力的朋友;后台。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 【谚】患难见真情。 my honorable friend 我可敬的同僚(英国下议员相互的称呼)。 What's a(n) few pounds[etc.] between friends? (一点钱…等)在朋友间算得了什么? The Society of Friends 教友会(基督教的一派)。 |