The voodoo snake deity. 巫毒教的蛇神。 The supernatural power that according to voodoo belief may enter into and reanimate a dead body. (根据巫毒信仰)使死尸复活的神力。 A will-less and speechless human in the West Indies capable only of automatic movement who is held to have died and been animated but often believed to have been drugged into a catalepsy for hours of interment. (西印度群岛的)还魂尸(一般认为是活人灌药后全身僵硬以便埋葬几小时)。 A person held to resemble the so-called walking dead; esp. automaton. 像僵尸的人;特别指机器人。 Eccentric person. 【俚】古怪的人。 Drink made with rum, citrus juices, and other ingredients. 掺加兰姆酒的鸡尾酒。 n. zombiism. adj. zombielike. |