词汇 | trial |
释义 | trial /`traɪәl/ n. The act of testing or putting to proof; examination. 试;试验。 An endeavor; experiment. 尝试;实验。 Hardship; suffering; that which puts to the test faith, mercy, patience, etc. 艰难;苦难;锻炼。 Old age has many trials. 老年有许多苦难。 A judicial examination. 审讯;审判。 a trial in court 法庭上的审讯。 Annoying person or thing. 麻烦之人(物);困扰的东西。 phrases bring to trial 付诸审判;审讯。 give a trial to 试用。 go on trial 在法庭上受审判。 make trial of 试验。 on trial (a)试验中的。(b)用于试验的。(c)试用的。(d)接受调查;在审理中。 put sb on trial(=bring sb to trial; bring sb up for trial) 使某人受审。 stand (one's) trial 受审讯。 trial and error 【心理】尝试错误法;反覆试验;不断摸索。 trials and tribulations 苦难;忧患。 trial balance (簿记)试算表。 trial balloon (a)观测汽球。(b)民意调查;民意测验。 trial court 初审法院。 trial docket 法院待审案件清单。 trial horse 【口】练习或表演时与较强之对手比赛的人或队。 trial jury 【美】【法律】陪审团;小陪审团。 trial lawyer 【美】一审时出庭辩护的律师。 trial run 试航。 trial trip 试航。 cf. Trial suggests the idea of attempting to verify something that is uncertain. Trial 指企图证明某种尚未证实之事物: a trial of skill in shooting at a target 打靶技术之试验。 A test is a trial that proves and is therefore decisive. Test 指求取确实结果之试验: to put a new machine through a careful test 细心试验新机器。 A proof, like a test, is final; it is a definite discovery in the intellectual or the practical field. Proof 与 test 同,亦为确定的;指知性上或实用上之确实发现。 An experiment may be merely an attempt to confirm an opinion, or, if it does prove something, it may be a test or proof of great value. Experiment 仅为证实某种见解,如确能证明则为试验上之大成功。 synonyms test, proof, experiment. |
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