To pass over in a slighting manner, without proper consideration. 轻轻带过;忽视。 She slurred over the unflattering comments. 她忽视那些直言无讳的意见。 To speak slighting of. 轻蔑。 To pronounce indistinctly. 发音不清。 I can't understand you when you slur your words like that. 你那样口齿不清,我不懂你的意思。 To sing or execute without breaks between two or more tones. 【乐】将音符连起来演唱(奏)。 To mark so as to indicate that the passage is to be sung or executed in this manner. 【乐】标以连音符。 A slight reproach, or remark implying reproach; stigma. 轻斥;微辞;侮辱。 It is no slur upon him to say that. 说此话并非侮辱他。 A mark connecting notes that are to be sung or played without a break. 【乐】连音符。 The effect of singing or playing in this manner. 连音演唱(弹奏)的效果。 cast slurs at 贬低;毁谤。(= put a slur upon; throw slurs at) put a slur upon 贬低;毁谤。(= cast slurs at; throw slurs at) throw slurs at 贬低;毁谤。(= cast slurs at; put a slur upon) |