To make level or smooth. 使平。 I flattened myself against the wall. 我靠墙直立。 To beat down; prostrate. 打倒;使倒伏。 The champion flattened his opponent in the first round. 冠军在第一回合打倒他的对手。 To sadden; depress. 使伤心;使颓丧。 To make dull, insipid, or tasteless. 令淡然无味。 To lower in tone. 【乐】使音调降低。 To become even or level. 变得平坦。 The cloth flattened out when it was ironed. 衣服熨了就会变平。 To become insipid. 变得淡而无味。 To fly back into a horizontal position. (飞机)转为水平飞平。 |