A sound like this cry. 似枭叫声。 A shout of contempt. 表轻蔑厌恶之叫声。 Something hilariously amusing or funny. 【英】【俚】哄然趣事。 not to give (care) two hoots (a hoot) 【口】一点也不在乎。 To jeer or drive with contemptuous shouts. 嘲笑;以轻蔑的叫嚣逼迫。 The fans hooted when the other team made an error. 他队犯错时,球迷们叫嚣不停。 To make the natural throat noise of an owl or a similar cry. 作枭叫声。 To make a loud sound or whistle, as a steam boiler. 呼啸(如汽笛声)。 |