(redirected from
(a body part) is killing (one)
(as) black as (one) is painted
(as) happy as a clam in butter sauce
(as) happy as Larry
(as) happy as the day is long
(as) honest as the day is long
(as) mad as hops
(as) sure as eggs (is eggs)
(Boy,) is my face red!
(do something) like it's going out of style
(Is it) hot enough for you?
(is) anything going on?
(Is) everything OK?
(it is) (one's) pleasure
(it's) (all) Greek to me
(it's) about time
(it's) just as well (that) (something happened)
(it's) little wonder
(it's) nice to meet you
(it's) nice to see you
(it's) nothing personal
(it's) small wonder
(it's/there's) no good crying over spilt milk
(it's/there's) no use crying over spilled milk
(it's/there's) no use crying over spilt milk
(one) is (just) too much
(one) is going to kill (someone)
(one) is going to murder (someone)
(one) is not as green as (one) is cabbage-looking
(one) is not going to bite (someone)
(one) is not going to eat (someone)
(one's) (hand)writing is like chicken scratch
(one's) back is turned
(one's) back is up
(one's) bark is worse than (one's) bite
(one's) blood is up
(one's) butt is on the line
(one's) cake is dough
(one's) conscience is clean
(one's) conscience is clear
(one's) door is always open
(one's) face is a picture
(one's) face is like thunder
(one's) fate is sealed
(one's) goose is cooked
(one's) heart is in (one's) boots
(one's) heart is in (one's) mouth
(one's) heart is in the right place
(one's) heart is set against (something)
(one's) heart is set on (something)
(one's) heart isn't in it
(one's) jaw drops
(one's) jig is up
(one's) life is in (someone's) hands
(one's) name is mud
(one's) nose is (always) in the air
(one's) nose is out of joint
(one's) number is up
(one's) star is rising
(one's) sun has set
(one's) tongue is hanging out
(one's) whole world was turned upside down
(one's) word is (one's) bond
(one's) word is law
(one's) work is cut out for (one)
(open) confession is good for the soul
(someone) is endgame
(someone) is not going to thank you for (something)
(someone's) blood is on (one's) hands
(someone's) point is well taken
(something) gives me life
(something) is all (one) needs
(something) is better than nothing
(something) is no object
(something) is one thing, (something else) is (quite) another
(something) is the new (something)
(something) is you
(the) clock is ticking
(the) fact is
(the) good is the enemy of (the) best
(the) good is the enemy of (the) great
(the) smart money is on (someone or something)
(there is) no problem with that
(there's) no comparison
(there's) no knowing
(there's) no need (to)
(there's) no peace for the weary
(there's) no peace/rest for the wicked
(there's) no point (in) (doing something)
(there's) no point crying over spilt milk
(there's) no rest for the weary
(there's) no saying
(there's) no telling
(there's) no way to tell
a bad excuse is better than none
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
a bully is always a coward
a camel is a horse designed by a committee
a chain is no stronger than its weakest link
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
a change is as good as a rest
a committee is a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours
a contented mind is a perpetual feast
a dead clock is correct twice a day
a dead clock is right twice a day
a friend in need is a friend indeed
A good man is hard to find.
a house is not a home
a Jill of all trades is a master of none
a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
a little learning is a dangerous thing
a little pot is soon hot
a live dog is better than a dead lion
a man is known by the company he keeps
a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client
a man's home is his castle
a mill cannot grind with water that is past
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
a miss is as good as a mile
a nod is as good as a wink
a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse
a nod is as good as a wink to a blind man
a penny saved is a penny earned
a penny saved is a penny gained
a picture is worth a thousand words
a problem shared is a problem halved
a promise is a promise
a promise made is a promise kept
a prophet is not without honor save in his own country
a rich man's joke is always funny
a stopped clock is right twice a day
a storm is brewing
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
a trouble shared is a trouble halved
a week is a long time in politics
a woman's place is in the home
a woman's work is never done
a word to the wise is enough
a word to the wise is sufficient
a/the liar is not believed when he tells the truth
after all is said and done
after the party is over
all (one's) life is worth
all gas and gaiters
all hell breaks/is let loose
all is fair in love and war
all is fish that comes to his net
all is not lost
all politics is local
all that glistens is not gold
All that glitters is not gold
all that glitters/glistens/glisters is not gold
all's fair in love and war
an Englishman's home is his castle
an idle brain is the devil's workshop
an open book, he/she is (like an)
an ounce of common sense is worth a pound of theory
an ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
And your point is?
any friend of (someone's) (is a friend of mine)
any press is good press
anybody who is anybody
anyone who is anybody
anyone's guess
anything else?
anything is possible
Art is long and life is short
as far as (someone or something) is concerned
as far as is concerned
as far as that goes
as if there's no tomorrow
as is
as it is
as much as (one's) life is worth
as the day is long
As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined
attack is the best form of defense
bad blood
bad egg
bad excuse is better than none
bark is worse than one's bite
bark is worse than one's bite, one's
Barkis is willin'
be (a bit) on the expensive side
be (a bit) on the heavy side
be (a bit) on the large side
be (a little) slow on the uptake
be (a) one for (something)
be (a) party to (something)
be (a) witness to (something)
be (all) for (someone or something)
be (all) of a piece
be (all) out to (do something)
be (all) part of life's rich pageant
be (all) part of life's rich tapestry
be (all) set (to do something)
be (all) shot to hell
be (all) skin and bone(s)
be (as) blind as a bat
be (as) busy as a bee
be (as) clean as a new pin
be (as) clean as a whistle
be (as) cold as ice
be (as) dead as a doornail
be (as) easy as ABC
be (as) easy as falling off (of) a log
be (as) easy as one-two-three
be (as) easy as pie
be (as) easy as rolling off (of) a log
be (as) flat as a pancake
be (as) fresh as a daisy
be (as) happy as a clam (at high tide)
be (as) hard as nails
be (as) mad as a hatter
be (as) nutty as a fruitcake
be (as) old as the hills
be (as) pleased as punch
be (as) pure as the driven snow
be (as) quiet as a mouse
be (as) right as rain
be (as) sick as a dog
be (as) sick as a parrot
be (as) silent as the grave
be (as) snug as a bug in a rug
be (as) sober as a judge
be (as) solid as a rock
be (as) sound as a dollar
be (as) stiff as a board
be (as) strong as an ox
be (as) stubborn as a mule
be (as) thick as a brick
be (as) thick as a short plank
be (as) thick as thieves
be (as) thick as two short planks
be (as) thin as a rail
be (as) thin as a rake
be (as) thin as a stick
be (as) tough as nails
be (as) tough as old boots
be (as) tough as shoe leather
be (as) ugly as sin
be (as) white as snow
be (batting) on a losing wicket
be (batting) on a sticky wicket
be (dead) set on (something)
be (down) on (one's) uppers
be (just) as well
be (just) good friends
be (just/right) up (one's) street
be (like) water off a duck's back
be (living) on another planet
be (not) (one's) bag
be (not) (one's) brother's keeper
be (not) (one's) department
be (not) (one's) style
be (not) (one's) type
be (not) a patch on
be (not) a pretty sight
be (not) all beer and skittles
be (not) all fun and games
be (not) all moonlight and roses
be (not) as black as (someone or something) is painted
be (not) backward in coming forward
be (not) big on (something)
be (not) comme il faut
be (not) on speaking terms
be (not) out of the woods
be (not) supposed to (do something)
be (not) the end of the world
be (not) the marrying kind
be (not) well up on (something)
be (of) no use to man or beast
be (on) the right side of (an age)
be (on) the wrong side of (an age)
be (one's) (own) lookout
be (one's) baby
be (one's) for the asking
be (one's) for the taking
be (one's) last resort
be (one's) man/woman
be (one's) middle name
be (one's) own man/woman/person
be (one's) own worst enemy
be (one's) pigeon
be (one's) place (to do something)
be (one's) strong point
be (one's)/the main squeeze
be (oneself) again
be (only) to be expected
be (out) in left field
be (out) on the piss
be (out) on the razzle
be (really) something
be (right) down (one's) alley
be (right) on the money
be (right) up there with (someone or something)
be (sitting) in the catbird seat
be (sitting) on (one's) tail
be (sitting) on top of the world
be (someone's) call
be (someone's) funeral
be (someone's) huckleberry
be (someone's) strong suit
be (something) itself
be (something) to the good
be (still) going strong
be (strictly) for the birds
be (stuck) in a rut
be (the) bomb
be (walking) on thin ice
be (well) on the/(one's) way to/towards (something)
be (with)in sight
be a (fully) paid-up member of something
be a (something) to (one's) fingertips
be a barrel of laughs
be a bit much
be a bit steep
be a blessing in disguise
be a box of birds
be a bundle of laughs
be a bundle of nerves
be a card-carrying member (of something)
be a chapter of accidents
be a chip off the old block
be a closed book
be a credit to (someone or something)
be a crying shame
be a cut above
be a dab hand
be a dead cert
be a dead loss
be a dead ringer for
be a different kettle of fish
be a dime a dozen
be a double-edged sword
be a double-edged weapon
be a fan of (someone or something)
be a far cry from
be a fate worse than death
be a fine figure of a (man or woman)
be a firm believer in (something)
be a force to be reckoned with
be a go
be a great believer in (something)
be a great one for (doing something)
be a happy camper
be a hard act to follow
be a howling success
be a huckleberry above (one's) persimmon
be a huckleberry above a persimmon
be a huckleberry over (one's) persimmon
be a laugh a minute
be a licence to print money
be a license to print money
be a load off (one's) mind
be a long shot
be a loud mouth
be a man/woman of his/her word
be a mass of (something)
be a matter of (doing something)
be a matter of opinion
be a matter of record
be a mixed blessing
be a moot point
be a moot question
be a mug's game
be a nasty piece of work
be a no-no
be a one-way street
be a pain in the neck
be a picture
be a piece of cake
be a poor second
be a poor third
be a question of time
be a recipe for (something)
be a revelation
be a roaring success
be a rough trot
be a shining example (of someone or something)
be a shoo-in
be a sight for sore eyes
be a sign of the times
be a slam dunk
be a slave of (something)
be a slave to (something)
be a snap
be a sport
be a square peg (in a round hole)
be a steal
be a sure thing
be a tall order
be a thing of the past
be a toss-up
be a wake-up
be a waste of space
be a weight off (one's) mind
be a weight off (one's) shoulders
be a whole other kettle of fish
be a world away
be a/the model of (something)
be a/the poor man's (someone or something)
be able to (do something) in (one's) sleep
be able to count (someone or something) on one hand
be able to count (someone or something) on the fingers of one hand
be about
be about to (do something)
be above (oneself)
be above board
be above par
be above suspicion
be across (something)
be afraid of (one's) (own) shadow
be after (doing something)
be ahead
be ahead of the game
be ahead of the pack
be alive and kicking
be alive and well
be alive with
be all about (someone, something, or oneself)
be all brawn and no brain(s)
be all dressed up and nowhere to go
be all ears
be all eyes
be all fingers and thumbs
be all fur coat and no knickers
be all hat and no cattle
be all heart
be all het up
be all in a day's work
be all like
be all mouth
be all over bar the shouting
be all over the shop
be all right
be all roses
be all smiles
be all sweetness and light
be all talk (and no action)
be all the rage
be all the same to (one)
be all the worse for wear
be all things to all men
be all things to all people
be all very well
be all wet
be along the lines of (something)
be an apology for
be an easy touch
be an item
be an open book
be an soft touch
be another kettle of fish
be another matter
be another of life's great mysteries
be another thing
be anybody's/anyone's guess
be anyone's
be armed to the teeth
be around
be art and part of (something)
be as (something) as all get-out
be as (something) as they come
be as American as apple pie
be as bald as a coot
be as bright as a button
be as brown as a berry
be as clear as crystal
be as clear as day
be as clear as mud
be as cool as a cucumber
be as cute as a button
be as daft as a brush
be as dead as a dodo
be as deaf as a post
be as dry as a bone
be as dull as dishwater
be as fit as a fiddle
be as full as a boot
be as gentle as a lamb
be as good as (one's) word
be as good as gold
be as good as gone
be as good as new
be as happy as a sandboy
be as happy as Larry
be as high as a kite
be as honest as the day is long
be as keen as mustard
yah boo!
yah boo sucks!
yak at
yak at (one)
yak at someone
wooden hill
wooden hill; little wooden hill
wooden horses
wooden Indian
wooden leg
wooden mare
Wooden nickel
wooden nickels
Bird Island
Chikugo River Nature Park
Chigo Otoshi Fall
Cedar Trees in Miyazono Shrine
Cherry Trees in Kagamiyama
Cape Ayamaru Tourist Park
Cape Bonomisaki
Fukudomi Myland Park
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更新时间:2025/3/10 15:41:25