do a double take
To look twice due to surprise or disbelief. Everyone did a double take at his shiny new sports car as he drove by. Men and women alike did a double take when they saw him in his tuxedo.
do a double take
to react with surprise; to have to look twice to make sure that one really saw correctly. When the boy led a goat into the park, everyone did a double take. When the nurse saw that the man had six toes, she did a double take.
double take, do a
Show a delayed reaction to an unusual remark or circumstance; also, look at something or someone again. For example, He did a double take when his ex-wife appeared at his wedding. [1930s]
do a ˌdouble ˈtake
react to something surprising or unusual only after a short delay: I had to do a double take when she walked in — she looked exactly like her mother!