Corrupt; depraved. 败德的;堕落的。 He led a vicious life. 他过着堕落的日子。 That is a vicious criminal. 那是个邪恶的罪犯。 Faulty; unsound. 有错误的;有缺点的。 Unruly; not well tamed or broken; savage. 野性未驯的。 Of or relating to perverse or abnormal behavior of domestic animals. 有关家禽、家畜反常行为的。 the vicious habit of picking feathers 啄食羽毛的恶习。 Diseased; malignant. 有病毒的;恶性的。 ugly and vicious stories 恶毒中伤的传闻。 adv. viciously. n. viciousness. |