To work hard; drudge for another. 辛苦工作;服劳役。 To have to do jobs for another student in a higher class. 为学长服务。 To tire out or exhaust. 使疲劳。 In English schools, to compel to drudge for another. 【英】任意驱使(低年级生)。 In England, one who drudges for another, as a schoolboy for one in a higher class. 【英】听差;被驱使者;被高年级差使的低年级学生 I won't be his fag. 我不愿听他差遣。 Fatigue or wariness; drudgery. 疲倦;苦工 Male homosexual. 【美】【俚】男同性恋者。 |