The act of giving authority to. 授权。 A formal law or decree. 法律;命令。 Ratification; approval. 批准;赞成。 Punitive measures by one or more nations against a nation that defies international law. 制裁(由一个或许多国家对一个公然违抗国际公法的国家所作惩罚)。 A consideration, principle, or influence (as of conscience) that impels to moral action or determines moral judgment. (指对良心的)道德约束力。 take sanctions against (a country) 对(某国)采取制裁。 To give endorsement to; confirm; approve. 认可;核准;同意。 to sanction a marriage 认可一桩婚事。 encourage, support, ratify, authorize. disapprove, disavow, deny. |