词汇 | round |
释义 | round /raʊnd/ adj. Like, or nearly like, in shape to a circle, sphere, or cylinder. 圆的;圆形的;圆柱形的。 a round pencil 圆铅笔。 Having a curved contour or surface. 曲线形的;弧形的。 a round cheek 圆颊。 Exact; whole; complete. 恰好的;完全的;整的;整数的。 a round dozen 一打整。 Going from, and returning to, the same place. 来回的。 a round trip 来回旅行;周游。 Large; considerable. 大的;不少的。 a good round price 颇高之价格。 Easy and brisk in motion. 活泼的。 a round trot 疾行。 Full in sound; not jarring. 宏亮的;声音圆润的。 the round tones of a voice 宏亮圆润之声。 Well constructed; well balanced; polished. 结构完整的;平衡的;文雅的。 a round sentence 佳句。 Open; frank; outspoken. 率直的;坦率的。 a round rebuke 坦率的斥责。 Formed by the protruding lips, as oo. (发音)将双唇努成圆形发音的(如oo)。 Semicircular, as opposed to pointed. 【建】半圆形的。 a round arch 半圆拱门。 phrases be round with (sb) 对(人)坦率说。 bring up with a round turn 骤然停止。 in round numbers [figures] 以整数表示(如几十、几百、几千等)。 n. A circle, cylinder, or globe. 圆圈;圆柱形;圆球。 A fixed course or route; generally one beginning and ending in the same place; a beat. 兜一圈;(时间的)循环;巡回路线;巡逻地区。 a policeman's round 警察巡逻路线。 Routine. 例行之事。 the day's round of duties 一日之常务。 A series of events or acts. 连续、连串(之行动)。 a round of gaiety 一场欢乐。 A circular dance. 圆舞;轮舞。 Some action in which a number of persons take part at one time. 一阵;一起。 a round of cheers 一阵欢呼。 One of a series of repeated actions, esp. in a game or contest. (竞赛之)一回合。 the third round in a prize fight 拳赛之第三回合。 The rung of a ladder. (梯子之)梯级。 A cut of beef between the rump and the leg. 牛腿肉。 The state of being perfectly circular. 圆。 A slice of food. (指食物)一片。 (In sculpture) solid form, enabling an object to be viewed from all sides. (雕刻)圆雕(指能从各面观看的立体形式)。 A simultaneous discharge of shots in a company or detail, each soldier firing once; also, the ammunition needed for such a discharge, or enough for a single shot. (一队士兵之)齐射一次;又指此种射击时所需之弹数。 A song sung by several persons or groups starting one after the other at regular intervals. 【乐】轮唱曲。 Complete play in which each players has his turn dealing. 一整局(每个参与者都轮到发牌)。 Playing of the complete course. 【体】(高尔夫)一局。 Portion distributed or served at one time, as a round of drinks. 一份;一客(如一份饮料)。 Single shot from a firearm. (枪炮之)一发。 go for a good round 绕了一大圈。 phrases go [make; pace; walk] one's [the] round(s) 巡视;巡察。 go the round of 在...流传(谣言等)。 in the round (a)【艺】(雕刻)以圆雕。(b)从四面八方可看见;全面地;全盘地。(c)舞台在中央地。 make the round of 走一圈;巡回。 out of round 不圆。 play a round 赛一场。 take a round 走一圈;散步。 (过去式: rounded; 过去完成式: rounded; 现在进行式: rounding) v.t. To give a curved or rounded form to. 使成圆形或弧形。 The action of water rounded the stone. 水中的冲流使石头成为圆形。 To travel or pass around; double. 绕过;折返。 The ship rounded Cape Horn. 船绕过合恩角而行。 To bring to complete perfection or finish. 使圆满;完成((off; out))。 to round out a plan 完成一计划。 To surround; encircle. 围绕;包围。 To drive in, or gather together, as cattle. 驱集(牛羊)。 To fill out, make plump. 使充满;使胀圆。 To pronounce (a vowel) with the lips rounded. 将嘴唇努成圆形发(一母)音。 We round our lips to say "oo". 我们将嘴唇努成圆形发"oo"音。 v.i. To become curved, spherical, or circular in form. 成圆形;成弧形。 To wheel about. 轮转;旋转。 To grow full, complete, or perfect; develop. 长满;长全;发展。 phrases round about 在...周围;大约;在...左右。 round and round 在...的周围环绕(未触及核心)。 round off (a)(削角)使成圆形;弄圆;捏圆。(b)把零数加上[舍弃];四舍五入。(c)做完;完工;以...结束[收场]。 round on [upon] 突然责骂;出乎意料之外地攻击(某人);密告(某人)。 round on one's heels 用脚跟旋转;向后转。 round out (a)弄圆;捏圆。(b)(使)胖得圆滚滚的。(c)完成;使完全。 round to 【航】以船首逆风。 round up (a)弄成圆形。(b)(将数目)进位;调为整数。(c)(骑着马)把家畜赶在一起;围捕。(d)【口】聚集。 adv. On all sides, so as to encircle. 四面;周围。 The people gathered round. 人群集合一起。 With a rotating motion. 旋转地。 The wheel goes round. 车轮旋转。 From one side or party to another. 转移;转向。 He came round to their belief. 他皈依他们的信仰。 In a complete circuit from person to person, or point to point. 遍及;周及。 The summer comes round once more. 夏季复至。 In outside measure. 外围之长度。 an apple eight inches round 周围八吋之苹果。 phrases all round 到处。 all the year round 整年。 go round 供给每个人。 look round 参观游览。 prep. About; on every side of. 在四周;包围。 a scarf round her shoulders 围巾裹着她的肩部。 Passing about in a curved course. 绕过。 round the corner 绕过转角。 More or less; about. 大约;约在...。 It costs somewhere round fifty dollars. 买它大约花了50元。 phrases round the bend 疯狂的。 round the clock 一整天。 idoms round arch 【建】半圆形拱门。 round brackets 圆括弧。 round dance 圆舞(围成一圈跳的舞蹈)。 round game (无搭档)各自独立对抗的游戏。 round hand 粗而圆的字体。 round number 整数;无零数之数。 round robin (a)圆形签名文件(不显示签名者的顺序)。(b)【美】(竞技)循环赛。 round shot(=cannonball) 球形炮弹。 round steak 牛腿肉的一片。 round table 圆桌会议[讨论](者)。 Round Table 圆桌武士。 round ticket 【美】来回票。 round trip 【美】来回旅行;【英】环游旅行。 round turn 【航】绳索的一卷(绕柱子等的)。 round vowel 【语音】圆唇母音(例[u,o])。 derivatives n. roundness. |
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