Essential or practical sameness; likeness. 同一;同样;相似。 There is no identity of interests between the employers and employees. 劳资利益不同。 Distinctive individuality. 身份。 to establish one's identity 证营确系某人。 The culprit is still at large, and there is no clue as to his identity. 作案者仍未就逮,且究竟何人所为仍无线索。 Condition of being what was declared or asserted. 本身;正身;正体。 Australian & New Zealand person; native, inhabitant. 澳洲人或纽西兰人;土著;居民。 establish (prove) (sb's) identity 确认为(某人);验明(某人的)身份。 identity card 身份证。(= ID; ID card) identity crisis 【心】自认危机;认同危机。 |