The act of proving; proof. 证明;证据。 Any proceeding intended to put a person to a test as to character, ability, etc.; trial or test. 试验(品格、才具等);见习;试用。 A period of testing or trial. 试用时期;见习时期。 The action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender and giving him freedom during good behavior under the supervision of a probation officer. 【法律】缓刑。 Conditional release of an offender form jail. 【法律】假释。 on probation (a)试用。(b)在缓刑期中。 place under probation (缓刑中)置于监护之下。 probation system 监护(缓刑)制度。 adj. probative. adj. probational. adj. probationary. adj. probatory. |