A male sovereign or ruler. 国王;君主。 In chess, cards, etc. a piece or card representing a king. 王棋;王牌。 One who is specially distinguished in his class or kind. 最卓越者;巨子;大王。 The organ has earned the title of the king of instruments. 风琴嬴得了乐器之王的头衔。 To act the king; rule. 做王者;君临;统治。 king it over (a)君临。(b)对...行为高傲如国王。 the King's [Queen's] English 标准英语。 A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以见国王(比喻即使身份低微的人,也必须给予某些特权)。 last argument of kings 武力。 (the) king of the castle 一个组织或团体的首要人物。 uncrowned king of 为众人推崇的人。 King Charles'(s) spaniel 玩赏犬的一种(黑褐色的小狗)。 the King James Version 钦定圣经英译本。(= Authorized Version) King of Kings (a)万王之王;皇帝(昔日东方各国帝王之称号)。(b)上帝;基督。 King's [Queen's] Bench 【英】【史】高等法院。 the king's evil (=scrofula) 腺病;瘰历。 king's highway (a)【英】公路。(b)由政府管理的道路。 king snake 【美】王蛇(中南美产,体大无毒)。 adj. kingly. n. kingliness. |