Anything that confines the arms or legs so as to prevent free action, as a strap or chain; a fetter; handcuff. (常用复数)脚镣;手铐。 Hence, anything which restrain or prevents free action. 羁拌行动之物。 Any of various fastenings, as the U-shaped bow of a padlock. 锁扣物(如U式锁环)。 To put shackles on; fetter. 束缚;加脚镣。 Shackle the captives so they can't escape. 将俘虏上铐,这样他们就不能逃走。 The soapbox orator told us we are shackled by ignorance and superstition. 街头演说家告诉我们说我们被无知和迷信所困。 To make fast with a shackle; join. 扣索;接上。 |