词汇 | make |
释义 | make /mek/ (过去式: made /med/; 过去完成式: made; 现在进行式: making) v.t. To create; fashion; compose; frame; produce. 创造;形成;组成;构成;制造。 An Indian can make almost any thing from [out of] bamboo. 美国印地安人几乎能用竹子制成任何物件。 To bring about. 致使。 Careful tillage makes good crops. 用心耕耘便有好收获。 To obtain for oneself, as friends. 获得(朋友)。 He made many friends. 他结交许多朋友。 Draft. 草拟。 To compute to be; estimate. 计算;估计。 I make the amount fifty dollars. 我估计总数为五十元。 I make it five miles. 我计算这段路程为五哩。 To amount to; add up to. 等于;合计。 Three feet make a yard. 三尺为一码。 To get; win. 得;赢。 To make a fortune. 发财。 Also to clear; net. 净入。 to make five dollars 净入五元。 To raise to rank or dignity' appoint. 擢升;提升尊荣;任命。 His venture will make or break him. 他的冒险若不能使他成功就会令他身败。 To score. 得分。 We made ten points in the game. 游戏中我们获得十分。 To arrive at, near, or in sight of. 抵达;近;在望。 We have to make Phoenix by sunset. 我们必须在日落前到达凤凰城。 To become. 成为。 A good son makes a good husband. 好儿子会成为好丈夫。 To cause to be or become. 致;使变为(of): to make him president 推选他为总统。 I intend to make a lawyer of my son. 我想培植我儿子当律师。 To cause to act in a certain manner. 使行;使为。 to make a child obey 使孩子服从。 The horse was make to run. 这匹马被迫奔驰。 To believe to be. 信以为。 He is not so clever as you make him. 他不如你想像的聪明。 To perform. 表演;作。 to make a gesture 作一个手势。 To carry on, as war. 继续(如战争)。 To get a position on (a team). (在球队中)获得职务。 To cause or bring about, as war or trouble, 引起(战争或麻烦)。 Don't make trouble. 别惹麻烦! To get at a certain speed. 以某种速度前进。 We make 60 on the road today. 今天我们以时速60哩在公路上前进。 To arrive in time for, as a show or train. 及时赶上(表演或火车)。 Hurry or you won't make the train. 快点,否则你会赶不上火车。 To seduce. 【俚】引诱。 Enact; establish. 制订;规定。 To cause to exist, occur, or appear. 使存在;使发生;使显现为...。 To count as. 算为...。 To afford or provide. 提供((to)) To seem to begin (an action). 好像要开始(某事)。 To shuffle (a deck of cards) in preparation for dealing. 洗(牌)。 To win (a trick). 赢(一圈牌)。 v.i. To tend or move. 进行。((for; to; toward)) He made toward the goal. 他向目标前进。 He made straight toward a distant light. 他迳向远处的灯光走去。 To have effect. 有效。 the power that makes for righteousness 促进正义的力量。 To put something into a specified condition. 进入某种情况。((for; against)) to make ready for a journey 准备好去旅行。 (Of evidence etc.) point to. (证据等)指向。 To act in a specified manner. 以某种态度[方式]作。 to make merry 作乐。 I make bold to ask a favor. 我冒昧地请求帮忙。 To appear; increase, as ice; accumulate, as snow. 出现;(冰)增加;(雪)累积。 The snow makes fast now. 此刻雪正迅速的积厚。 To rise, as the tide. (潮水)上涨。 phrases make a clean breast of 直认不讳。 make a clean sweep 扫除殆尽;完全毁灭;全胜。 make a decision 决定。 make a dent in 【俚】只做一点点;使稍减少;损及。 make a difference 有影响;重要。 make advances to [toward] (a)预垫;预付;未到期先交款[货]。(b)采取初步行动;小试;接近;提议。 make a fool of 嘲弄;揶揄。 make after 追逐;追赶。 make a fuss of [about] 大惊小怪;小题大作。 make a go of 成功;奏效。 make a guess (at) 推测。 make a hash of 【口】打碎;弄得一团糟;毁坏。 make a hit 广为流行;受欢迎;很行得通。 make a killing 获暴利。 make allowance(s) (for) 顾虑到;同情。 make all the difference 使成天壤之别。 make a man of 造就成男子汉:使长大成人。 make a match 撮合;促成婚事。 make a fool of oneself 出丑;成为笑柄。 make a mess of 做错:弄糟。 make a monkey out of 愚弄;揶揄。 make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大作;借题发挥。 make a more (a)行动;着手;移动位置。(b)移动棋子。 make a name (for oneself) 成名;声名大噪。 make (an) application (to sb) (for sth) 向(某人)申请(某物)。 make an ass of oneself 出丑;成为笑柄。 make an example of 惩一以儆百;杀鸡儆猴。 make an exhibition of oneself 【口】丢人现眼。 make [have] a night of it 享乐;通宵行乐。 make a noise in the world 【口】名噪一时。 make a pass at 【口】挑逗;调戏。 make a play for 【俚】追求;争取。 make a point of 注重;强调;尽力。 make a practice of 经常做;养成习惯。 make a request (to sb) (for sth) (向某人)要求(某物)。 make arrangements 安排。 make arrangements for 安排。 make a scene 大闹一番。 make as if [as though] 假装。 make a special study of 专攻;精研 make a splash (a)造成轰动。(b)使啪喳一声响。 make assurance doubly sure 加倍小心;更有把握。 make a success of (sth) 把...做得很成功。 make at 袭击;冲向。 make a train 赶火车。 make a virtue of necessity 随遇而安;逆来顺受。 make away with (a)偷取...而逃。(b)耗光。(c)杀害。 make believe 装作。 make both ends meet 量入为出。 make certain 确定。 make clear 说清楚;说明。 make do with 将就使用。 make eyes at 【口】向...眉目传情。 make faces (a)扮鬼脸。(b)变脸色。 make for (a)走向。(b)攻击。(c)促成;导致。 make free [bold] with 擅自(取用);冒昧。 make fun [sport] of 嘲笑。 make good (a)成功;成就。(b)赔偿修复。 make good time 一路直奔。 make hay of 把...弄得乱七八糟。 make hay while the sun shines 乘机;利用机会。 make head or tail of 彻底了解。 make headway 有进展。 make it (a)【口】成功。(b)【俚】发生性关系。(c)达成预定目标。 Make it snappy! 【口】快点!( =Look snappy!) make known 使人知悉。 make light of 轻视;不在意;大事化小。 make light work of(a) 轻而易举地完成。 make like 【俚】模仿;假装。 make love to 向...示爱。 make much of 吹嘘;夸张;强调。 make neither head nor tail of 无法了解;全然搞不清楚。 make now bones about [of] 不加思索;了无遗憾;不隐瞒。 make no matter 无足轻重;不重要。 make of 了解。 make off (a)跑开;匆匆离去。(b)【航】离海岸停泊。 make off with 偷走;拿跑。 make one's bread 谋生。 make oneself at home 不拘礼;自在(如在自己家里)。 make oneself cheap 自是过轻。 make oneself [one's presence] felt (非正式用法)表现已引起别人注意。 make one sit up 使人吃惊。 make one's way in the world 成就;战胜困难。 make one's mark 功成名就。 make one's pile 发财;致富。 make one walk a chalk line 强使负责。 make or break 成王败寇;非成则败。(=make or mar) make out (a)成功;做到。(b)认明;区分;诠释。(c)签署法律文件;写明。(d)了解;说明。(e)假装。(f)性交。(g)挑逗。 make over (a)改变;修改。(b)转让(给别人)。 make passes at 挑逗;勾引;爱抚。 make ready 预备好;设立;筹好。 make room for 给...挪出空位[腾出空间]。 make sb out to be 诬指...;把某人人说成。 make sb's flesh creep 使人颤抖。 make sb's hair stand (up) on end 使人毛骨悚然。 make [cast] sheep's eyes 送秋波;抛媚眼;眉目传情。 make shift (a)勉力维持(生活)。(b)尽力去(做...)。 make short work of 很快地做完。 make (so) bold 胆敢;冒昧。 make sth do 将就;凑合使用。 make sth (out) of 认为(某事)不寻常;认为是大事。 make suit to 邀宠;求婚。 make sure [certain] (a)证实;留神。(b)先做(某事)以使(某事)确定或安全。 make [come to] terms 约定;讲妥。 make the best of a bad job 死马当活马医。 make the most of 尽量利用;尽力去做;从中获得最多。 make the rounds 巡逻。 make things hum 使活跃;使昌旺。 what makes one tick 使人行为之原因。 make tracks (for) 【口】赶快;从速。 make up (a)形成;组成。(b)发明;捏造。(c)言归于好;和解。(d)化妆。(e)整理(床铺)。(f)建造;拼合;汇集。(g)补偿。(h)完成。 make up for 弥补;补偿。 make up leeway (a)回到正确的位置。(b)迎头赶上。 make up one's mind 决定;下决心。 make up to 向...挑逗;谄媚;试图取悦。 make use of 利用;使用。 make water (a)【航】(船)漏水。(b)小便。 make waves 【口】弄得乌烟瘴气;兴风作浪。 make way for 清路;开路。 not to know what to make of sth of sb 对某事或某人感到困惑;无法了解某人或某事。 n. Shape; style build' method of manufacture. 形式;式样;构造;制造方法: This car is of a different make than mine. 这车的构造与我的不同。 Amount of output. 生产额。 Closing of a circuit. 【电】接通电路;(回路的)接续。 phrases on the make (a)【俚】急求成功;不择手段以求财富或地位。(b)求爱。 |
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