To suffocate; smother. 使窒息。 He was stifled by gas. 他为瓦斯所窒息。 To put out; stop; check, as a sound or a fire. 止住;熄灭;制止(如声或火)。 To hide or conceal; suppress, as a yawn, tears, or the truth. 隐蔽;藏匿;抑制(如强忍呵欠、泪水或隐蔽真情)。 She tried to stifle her tears. 她强忍着泪水。 The heat was stifling. 热得透不过气来。 The joint above the hock in the hind leg of certain animals, as the dog; corresponding to the knee in man. 后膝关节(如犬后腿踝节以上之节;与人膝相当)。 |