To sigh by catching the breath convulsively. 欷歔。 To weep with a convulsive heaving of the breast. 呜咽。 The child sobbed hysterically. 那小孩歇斯底里地呜咽哭泣。 To make a sound like a catch of the breath. 作呜咽声。 To utter with a catch of the breath. 呜咽地说。 He sobbed out the whole sad story. 他泣诉整个不幸的经过。 To bring by sobbing. 因呜咽而使得...。 She sobbed herself to sleep. 她啜泣着入睡了。 sob one's heart out 哭得死去活来。 A convulsive sigh; a sudden catching of the breath. 欷歔;呜咽。 Any similar sound. 任何似欷歔之声。 sob sister 【美】【俚】撰写伤感报导的女记者。 sob story 【美】【口】非常悲惨的故事;为引人同情的牢骚话。 |