To utter a monotonous sound. 发出单调之音。 The small airplane droned as it climbed higher. 小飞基在爬高时发出嗡嗡声。 To speak in a drone. 以一成不变的语调说话。 People began to leave when the speaker droned on and on about his experience. 演说者单调地大谈他的经历时,人们遂逐渐离去。 To live in idleness. 游手好闲。 To read, sing or speak in a monotonous tone. 单调地吟诵;单地调说。 To pass or spend in idleness. 闲散虚度。 drone away (on) (a)低沉单调地说话。(b)一成不变地进行。 A dull, monotonous tone. 平板单调的声音。 One of the pipes of a bagpipe. 风笛的低音管。 The male of the honeybee, which produces no honey. 雄蜂。 A pilotless airplane, helicopter, or ship controlled by radio signals. (遥控的)无人飞机(直升机、船)。 n. droner. adv. droningly. |