To strip off an outer covering from, as a husk from corn. 剥去;去壳(如去糠籽)。 To strip off, as bark or rind. 剥去皮(如剥去树皮或果皮等)。 The Indians peeled the bark from the trees to make canoes. 印地安人剥除树的外皮以制造独木舟。 The bark of the tree peels easily. 树皮易剥落。 To lose an outer covering. 失去外部遮蔽物;剥皮。 The walls are peeling. 墙在剥落。 It got hotter, and we had to peel to get relief. 天气渐热,我们必须脱去衣服解热。 peel off (a)片片剥落;层层脱落。(b)剥去外皮。(c)避开他人;脱离团体。 keep one's eyes peeled 留意;留心观看。 A baker's long, flat, wooden shovel for teaching into the oven. (烘面包者所用的)木铲。 |