词汇 | humane |
释义 | humane /hju`men/ /hɪu`men/ adj. Having the feelings proper to man; benevolent; kind; compassionate. 有人情的;仁慈的;仁爱的;慈悲的。 Elevating or refining, as certain studies. 高尚的;文雅的(如某种学科)。 idoms humane society 保护动物协会。 humane studies 人文科学。 cf. Humane implies active kindness and intention to prevent and relieve suffering of any kind. Humane 是以积极的仁爱及意志,来免去或减轻各种痛苦: The Humane Society prevents cruelty to animals. 人道协会禁止对动物残忍的行为。 Human denotes pertaining to mankind; it often suggests a warmly sympathetic nature. Human 指属于人类的,常指温厚之同情心而言: a human point of view 自人类的观点看: Or it may describe a forgivable weakness. 亦指可恕之缺点: It's human to make mistakes. 犯错乃人之常情。 derivatives adv. humanely. n. humaneness. synonyms human. |
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