A device for checking the motion of a wheel, vehicle, etc. 制动器;煞车。 An instrument for separating the fiber from flax, hemp, etc. 麻梳。 Any long lever, as a pump handle. 杠杆式长柄(如唧筒之柄)。 A baker's kneading machine. (面包师傅所用之)揉面机。 To stop or retard, as a wheel or vehicle, by applying a check. 煞车。 He braked suddenly. 他突然煞车。 A large fern common in temperate latitudes on waste lands. 【植】(荒芜地带中之)蕨;羊齿。 A place overgrown with shrubs and brambles; a thicket. 灌木及荆棘丛生之处;矮树林丛林。 |