wrap (oneself) in the flag
To use one's supposed patriotism as a justification for one's words or actions. He has refused to respond to the valid criticisms of this war. Instead he just warps himself in the flag and talks about "security."
wrap yourself in the flag
or drape yourself in the flag
mainly AMERICANIf someone, especially a politician, wraps themselves in the flag or drapes themselves in the flag, they try to do something for their own advantage while pretending to do it for the good of their country. Politicians always try to wrap themselves in the flag on Independence Day, but I think most people can see through that. He criticized advertisers for fighting proposed cigarette ad restrictions by draping themselves in the flag and lecturing about their First Amendment freedoms of speech.
wrap yourself in the flag
make an excessive show of your patriotism, especially for political ends. chiefly North American 1993 Globe & Mail (Canada) For a politician at election time, wrapping oneself in the Canadian flag is a reflex action, as irresistible as bussing a baby.