词汇 | draw |
释义 | draw /drɔ/ (过去式: drew /dru/ /drɪu/; 过去完成式: drawn /drɔn/; 现在进行式: drawing)) v.t. To pull or haul along; drag. 拉;曳;拖。 How many horses will draw the royal coach? 皇家大马车将用几匹马拉? To pull out; haul up; remove a weapon from its sheath. 抽出;拖上;拔出(剑或瓶塞)等。 To infer; deduce, as a conclusion. 推论;推断(结局)。 The fact may be drawn from his words. 事实可由他的话中归结出来。 To extend or increase in length. 延长或加长。 To obtain by chance. 幸得。 to draw a prize 中奖。 To disembowel. 取出肠腑。 to draw a fowl 取出鸡的肠腑。 To represent on paper with pen or pencil. 绘;画。 To describe by words. 叙述。 To write in legal form. 制作文件。 To require to float in. 吃水。 The boat draws ten feet of water. 这船吃水十尺。 To inhale. 吸;吸气。 to draw a long breath 深呼吸。 To attract; as attention or trade. 吸引;注意;引起;招徕。 The play is drawing big crowds. 那出戏吸引了许多观众。 He drew my attention to the subject. 他把我的注意引向那个题目。 To receive. 领取。 to draw one's pay 领取薪金。 To take or get from a source. 源于。 to draw inspiration 由...而得灵感。 To obtain (money) from a bank. 向银行提取(款项)。 He drew $10 from his deposit. 他从其存款中提出拾元。 To elicit (a reply). 引出(回答)。 To write (a check). 写(支票)。 To extract (essence) by infusion, distillation, etc. 用泡(茶);蒸馏等方法吸取菁华部分。 To leave (a contest) without a decision. 打成平手。 The battle was drawn. 这一战终于不分胜负。 v.i. To act as pulling force; entice. 拉;曳;拖引。 To take, pull, or force something out. 取出;抽出;挤出。 To move. 移动。 The train drew up to the station. 火车入站。 To shrink. 缩;皱。 To practice the art of making designs or pictures. 作设计;绘画。 To allow a current of air to pass. 通风。 The chimney draws well. 烟囱通风良好。 phrases draw a bead on (a)瞄准。(b)以...为目标。(c)攻击;批评。 draw a blank 毫无斩获(指找不出线索)。 draw a bow at a venture 【古】作个渴望成真的预测。 draw a long face 现不豫之色;拉长了脸。 draw (take) aside 为要密谈把某人拉到旁边。 draw away (a)拉走;退走。(b)超过(对手)。 draw back (a)退却;撤离。(b)撤销;犹疑;不守诺言。(c)(= draw away) draw blood (a)激怒;伤害。(b)【医】(外科)放血。 draw down (a)引起;招致。(b)拉下。 draw fire 成为目标与攻击的对象。 draw for 抽签。 draw in (a)变短。(b)俭省。(c)停在路旁。(d)吸(气)。(e)(一天)近黄昏。(f)吸引。 draw it mild 适度;不过分。 draw near 接近;走近。 draw off (a)汲水;排除。(b)脱下。(c)撤退;引开。 draw on (a)穿戴。(b)靠近。(c)招致。(d)利用(= draw upon)。 draw oneself up (a)站直;立正。(b)高视阔步。 draw one's time (被迫)辞职。 draw out (a)拖出;拔出。(b)由银行帐户提款。(c)拖长;延长。(d)使说出实情。(e)(指白天)变长。(f)超前(对手)。 draw the blow up to the ear 【口】竭尽精力;机敏临事。 draw the (a) line (a)划清;界限。(b)限制。 draw to a close (end; finish) 接近尾声;结束。 draw up (a)排列。(b)停住(车子)。(c)草拟。 n. The act or result of drawing. 拖曳;抽取;拔起。 A game or contest left undecided. 未分胜负;打成平手比赛。 The match ended in a draw. 比赛结果不分胜负。 The part of a drawbridge that moves to permit the passage of boats. 吊桥的开闭部分。 Attraction. 吸引。 Choosing; lot. 抽选;抽到的签。 phrases beat to the draw (a)【美】(西部)拔枪快过...。(b)胜过;捷足先登。 quick (fast) on the draw 【俚】拔枪快的;机警的。 idoms draw well 汲井水;深井。 |
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