释义 |
three Ⅰ noun a three-dollar bag of heroin US, 1976.► or threeeither by exaggeration or understatement, used for emphasis of an amount UK, 1976 Ⅱ ⇨ three; three up verb in prison, to share a cell with two other inmates UK, 1996
See:- (a) quarter of (a given hour in time)
- (as) gay as a three-dollar bill
- (as) phony as a three-dollar bill
- (as) queer as a three-dollar bill
- (one, two, three) strikes against (someone or something)
- (the) best of (an odd number)
- 23 skidoo
- 23 Skidoo Street
- 3-on-the-tree
- 773H
- a three-alarm fire
- a three-finger salute
- a three-ring circus
- as phony as a three-dollar bill
- as queer as a three-dollar bill
- be (as) easy as one-two-three
- claw me, claw thee
- clogs to clogs in three generations
- didn't exchange more than three words with
- didn't exchange more than three words with (one)
- easy as one-two-three
- leaves of three, let it be
- like a three-ring circus
- me three
- Moving three times is as bad as a fire
- page three girl
- phonier than a three-dollar bill
- phony as a three-dollar bill
- play three-dimensional chess
- quarter past (a given hour in time)
- queer as a three-dollar bill
- queerer than a three-dollar bill
- seven-seven-three-aitch
- six and two threes
- the best of three, five, etc.
- the big Three, Four, etc.
- the Big Three/Four/Five/etc.
- the three Rs
- the three R's
- three bags full
- three bags full, sir
- three bricks shy of a load
- three cheers
- three cheers for
- three cheers for (someone or something)
- three dog night
- three moves are as bad as a fire
- three musketeers
- three on a match
- three point two
- three R's
- three Rs, the
- three score and ten
- three sheets
- three sheets in the wind
- three sheets in/to the wind
- three sheets to the wind
- three skips of a louse
- three squares
- three squares (a day)
- three squares a day
- three strikes against someone
- three strikes and (one's) out
- Three strikes and you are out
- three strikes and you're out
- three-alarm fire
- three-dimensional chess
- three-dimensionality
- three-dog night
- three-finger salute
- three-martini lunch
- three-ring circus
- three-ring circus, a
- three's a crowd
- three-two
- Two is company, three's a crowd
- two's company(, three's a crowd)
- two's company, three's a crowd