To seize and remove by force. 强夺;抢劫 ((from))。 The slave traders ravished babes from their mothers' arms. 奴隶贩子从母亲们的怀抱中抢夺孩子。 To abduct or violate (a woman). 诱拐;强奸。 As it says in the Bible, their houses shall be spoiled and their wives ravished. 就如圣经上所说,他们的房子会被毁坏而他们的妻子会被强奸。 To carry away with delight or rapture. 勾魂;使心神荡漾((with; by))。 The prince was ravished by Cinderella's beauty. 王子被灰姑娘的美丽迷注。 n. ravisher. n. ravishment. adj. ravishing. adv. ravishingly. enrapture, enchant, delight. |