A guard; policeman. 卫兵;警察。 The act of going the rounds of a district in order to protect it. 巡视;巡察;巡逻。 A small body of soldiers on guard duty. (正在巡逻的)一小队卫兵。 One or more persons, vehicles, ships, or planes assigned to patrol. 巡逻员;巡逻队;巡逻车;巡逻艇;巡逻机。 Subdivision of a Boy Scout troop. 童子军小队。 To go or walk round in order to protect. 巡逻;巡哨。 A policeman patrols his beat. 警察巡逻其所辖之区域。 To go round a district in order to protect it. 巡逻;巡哨。 Carrier-based aircraft patrolled above. 以航空母舰为基地的飞机在上空巡逻。 |