释义 |
(redirected from earthed)
See:- a heaven on earth
- a hell on earth
- all corners of the earth
- all over the earth
- back to earth
- bring (one) back (down) to earth
- bring (one) down to earth
- bring down to earth
- bring somebody/come down to earth
- come back (down) to earth
- come back to earth to earth
- come down to earth
- cost a pretty penny
- cost the earth
- cost/pay/charge the earth
- disappear off the face of the earth
- disappear/vanish off the face of the earth
- down to earth
- down-to-earth
- earth mother
- earth move, to feel the
- earth pads
- Earth to (someone)
- Earth to someone
- ends of the earth, (from) the
- ends of the earth, the
- follow (one) to the ends of the Earth
- four corners of the earth, the
- from all corners of the world
- from the face of the earth
- go to earth
- go to earth/ground
- go to the ends of the Earth
- God's green earth
- hardly earth-shattering
- heaven on earth
- hell on earth
- how on earth
- how, what, why, etc. on earth...
- like nothing on earth
- move heaven and earth
- move heaven and earth to do
- move heaven and earth, to
- not have an earthly chance
- nothing on earth
- off the face of the earth
- on earth
- on the face of the earth
- plummet (down) to earth
- plummet to earth
- promise (one) the earth
- promise (one) the moon
- promise the earth
- promise the moon/earth/world
- run (someone or something) to earth
- run (someone or something) to ground
- run somebody/something to earth/ground
- run someone or something to earth
- run someone to earth
- run to earth
- run to earth, to
- salt of the earth
- salt of the earth, the
- the earth moved
- the ends of the Earth
- the four corners of the earth
- the four corners of the world
- the salt of the earth
- the scum of the earth
- to the ends of the Earth
- what on earth
- Where on earth?
- Where on God’s green earth?
- why on earth
- wipe (someone or something) off the face of the earth
- wipe off the face of the earth
- wipe off the map
- wipe something off the face of the earth