1. verb To engage in aimless recreation or frivolous time-wasting; to fool around. Quit goofing off and get to work on your book report already!
2. noun One who is apt to waste time and fool around. In this usage, the phrase is usually hyphenated. Hey, you goof-offs in the back row need to calm down and be quiet!
goof off
to waste time. John is always goofing off.Quit goofing off and get to work!
goof off
To waste time, especially by acting foolishly or frivolously: The students spent their free time goofing off instead of working on the project.
goof off
1. and goof aroundin. to waste time. You guys are goofing off again! Get busy. Stop goofing around.
2. n. a time-waster; a jerk. (Usually goof-off.) I’m no goof-off, but I am no scholar either.