释义 | See also EMPLOYMENT. chips n. a carpenter. (Also a term of address.)Tell our chips to come up here and put in a new floorboard.Tell me, chips, how fast can you build a coffin? civil serpent n. a civil servant.You have no idea the kinds of things civil serpents have to put up with.I'm a civil serpent with the state. desk jockey n. someone who works at a desk in an office. (Patterned on disc jockey.)I couldn't stand being a cooped-up desk jockey.The desk jockeys at our place don't get paid very well. gabmeister n. a talk show host or hostess.Todd Remington, a late-night gabmeister, startled his audience by suddenly walking offstage.There are so many of these gabmeisters that I can hardly keep them straight. goober-grabber n. someone who picks peanuts. (Typically someone native to Georgia, where peanuts are grown.)My nephew moved from Chicago to Atlanta, where he became a goober-grabber in no time at all.One of the local goober-grabbers took us to a peanut boil. hardhat n. construction worker. (Usually derogatory.)The hardhats didn't care much for the actress's politics.Some hardhat was waving a flag and shouting something I couldn't understand. moonshiner n. a maker of illicit whisky.Moonshiners in the Georgia hills are using sophisticated electronic warning systems to keep one step ahead of the feds.I have an uncle who was a moonshiner for a while. powder monkey n. a specialist in the use of dynamite.I won't stay around while the powder monkey is working.How long do powder monkeys usually live? |
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