A plaited or gathered strip of material, used as a trimming. 绉褶;褶边。 A slight vexation; irritation. 困扰;烦燥不安。 Ripple; undulation. 波动;起伏不平。 To draw into folds or gathers. 褶成绉褶;摺边。 To furnish or adorn with plaited or gathered strips. 加绉褶;镶裥。 To cause to stand up or out. 使竖起。 The bird ruffles its feathers. 鸟将羽毛竖起。 To disturb slightly or make ripples upon. 弄皱;使起微波。 The wind ruffles the water. 风吹皱水面。 To disarrange; disorder, as the hair. 弄乱;打乱(如发)。 to ruffle one's temper 激怒某人。 Nothing ever ruffled him. 任何事都不会使他激动。 To be or become ruffled. 变皱;起波浪。 ruffle (up) sb's feathers [plumage; temper] (a)使(某人)焦急。(b)使生气;使发怒。 |