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airhead and airbrain
n. a stupid person. (Someone with air where there should be brains.)
What is that loony airhead doing there on the roof?Some airbrain put mustard in the ketchup squeezer.
n. a jerk; a stupid person. (Also a rude term of address.)
Stop acting like a baboon! Grow up!Tell that ugly baboon to get out of here.Hey, baboon, get off my lawn!
n. a stupid person.
Kelly can be such a banana-head!Ask that banana-head why she is wearing a coat like that in July.
BB brain
n. a stupid person; a person with a brain the size of shot. (Also a rude term of address.)
What BB brain left the door open?Look here, BB brain, straighten up and fly right!
bean head
n. an oaf. (Also beanhead.)
You are such a bean head!Why I keep running around with a beanhead like you is beyond me.
n. an oaf; a meathead.
Look you beef-head, lay off!This beef-head here thinks he knows how to do my job.
n. a stupid person.
Some beetlebrain left a can of paint in the hall, and guess who knocked it over?Why are you such a beetlebrain when it comes to math?
n. a stupid-acting person.
You silly birdbrain. Stop it!I'm such a birdbrain. I forgot my driver's license, officer.
bliss ninny
n. a giddy and disoriented person.
You silly bliss ninny. Who watches over you, anyway?Tiffany is such a bliss ninny—all heart though.
blithering idiot
n. a crazy person; a totally disoriented person.
How can you be such a blithering idiot?You blithering idiot! You've buttered the tablecloth!
n. a fool; an oaf.
Don't be a blob. Get up and get going.This blob just sits there and lets me do all the work.
n. a stupid person. (Possibly a back formation on blockhead.)
You silly block! Get out of the way.Wally acts like such a block!
n. a stupid person.
Without a blockhead like you to remind me of the perils of stupidity, I might be less efficient than I am.Why did he call me a blockhead? I didn't do anything.
n. an oaf; a simpleton. (From Bohemian and the source of hunky, probably Hungarian. Derogatory or teasing.)
Some bohunk put the wrong label on this box.Come here, you silly bohunk.
n. a stupid or stubborn person.
You are such a bonehead when it comes to buying cars.Don't be a bonehead. Cooperate!
and boneheaded mod. stupid; stubborn.
Of all the boneheaded things to do!Why am I married to the world's greatest all-time boneheaded klutz?Don't be so boneheaded.
n. a stupid person; a rural oaf.
You boob! What have you done?Why did I marry a boob like you?
n. a clown; a jerk; a fool. (Also a term of address.)
Look, you bozo, I've had enough of your jabber.Those bozos are at it again. Spend, spend, spend.
n. a fool.
The brackbrains in Washington have done it again!One brack-brain around here is enough. Do you want me to leave?
n. a fool; a stupid person.
What cabbagehead put this thing on upside down?I'm such a cabbagehead. I mailed my paycheck back to the office by mistake.
n. a stupid-acting person.
Is this cheesehead bothering you?Why do all the cheeseheads in town ride in my cab in the same day?
n. a stupid person.
Look, chowderhead, do what I told you.Don't be such a chowderhead.
n. a stupid person.
John is not my favorite chumphead, but he's close.What a chumphead. You painted over the windows.
n. a stupid person; a rural oaf.
Some clodhopper came into town and fell in with the wrong crowd.You don't know it, but that clodhopper is worth about $2 million.
n. a fool.
Some clown threw our paper in a puddle this morning.Tell that clown in the front row to can it.
cluck and kluck
n. a stupid person; a person as stupid as a chicken.
Why did they send me a dumb cluck to do this work?Some kluck came in and asked for a left-handed monkey wrench.
n. a stupid oaf.
What cluckhead put sugar in the salt shaker?I'm getting to be such a cluckhead!
n. an oaf; a stupid dolt.
What clunkhead put sugar in the salt shaker?My brother can be such a clunkhead.
n. a fool; an oaf.
Some conehead put sugar in the salt shaker.You can be pretty much of a conehead yourself sometimes, you know.
n. a stupid or corny person.
He's a cornball, but he's fun.Who invited this cornball to my party?
n. a fool; a stupid oaf.
Did you hear about the crackbrain who found part of the sky floating in the lake?Sometimes you are quite a crackbrain yourself.
n. a stupid person.
Who's the deadhead in the plaid pants?Wow, are you a deadhead!
n. a stupid person.
What deadneck put sugar in the salt shaker?Who's the deadneck who painted the fence purple?
dim bulb
n. a dull person; a stupid person.
George seems to be a dim bulb, but he's a straight-A student.I feel like such a dim bulb when I do things like that.
n. an oaf; a dullard. (Also a rude term of address.)
Oh, Dave, you can be such a dimwit!Come on, now, you're not really a dimwit.
n. a stupid person; a giddy person who hears bells.
This ding-aling comes up and asks me for a dollar for the orphans. I tell her I got all the orphans I can use at any price.Who's the dinga- ling who painted the windows stuck?
n. a stupid person.
Who is the dingbat with Bob?That's no dingbat; that's his sister.
n. a stupid person.
Shut up, you stupid dinghead.Frank was a real dinghead when he cheated on the exam.
dip(shit) and dip(head); dipstick
n. an oaf; a jerk. (The first entry is potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
Why are you acting like such a diphead?Is there a convention of dipsticks or something here today?
n. a jerk.
Fred is such a dipwad. Why doesn't he wise up?If you weren't a big dipwad, you would give me a hand with this.
n. a nerd; a simpleton.
Wally is such a dode.My roommate is a loser. I was afraid I'd end up with a dode.
n. a jerk; a nerd.
Hank, you are acting like a doofus. Stop standing on your head.My roommate is a doofus and I'm tired of putting up with her.
n. a stupid person.
I'm not such a dope.That dope has done it again!
n. a stupid person; a weird person.
You are a prize-winning dorf.Is there a convention of dorfs here today or something?
n. a jerk; a strange person.
Ye gods, Sally! You are a dork!Here comes the king of dorks again.
dorkmeier and dorkmeister; dorkmunder
n. a total jerk; a simpleton.
Ellen, stop acting like such a dorkmeier!Fred is my idea of the perfect dorkmunder.
dorkus maximus
n. a simpleton or fool; a great fool.
Tim is now the dorkus maximus of our dorm since he broke the dorm's television set.Sally is a dorkus maximus and spaced out to boot.
dough head
n. a nerd; a simpleton.
Tom, don't be such a dough head. Read the instructions and do it right.Fred, you are a real dough head! Why did you do that?
n. an oaf; a nerd.
Oh, yuck. He's such a drip.Bob is a drip, I guess, but he's harmless.
n. a robot-like person; a nerd. (From android.)
Beavis is as close to a droid as we'll ever see.The droids are taking over this campus.
droob and drube
n. a dullard; an oaf.
Who's the droob standing by the punch bowl?That drube is my brother!
dumb-ass and stupid-ass
mod. stupid. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
That was a dumb-ass thing to do!You can be such a stupid-ass jerk!
n. a stupid oaf. (Also a rude term of address.)
Look, dumbbell, pay attention!I'm afraid I come on like a dumbbell sometimes.
dumb bunny
n. a stupid person; an oaf.
Who's the dumb bunny in the doubleknits?Don't be a dumb bunny. Pay attention to what's going on.
dumb cluck
n. a stupid oaf; a person as stupid as a chicken.
Sally is not a dumb cluck, but she is sort of slow.What a dumb cluck!
n. a very stupid person.
What a dumb-dodo you are!I'm no dumb-dodo!
dumb-dumb and dum-dum
n. a stupid oaf; a dullard.
You can be such a dumbdumb without even trying.Marvin is no dum-dum. He just looks that way.
n. a stupid person.
Bob is no dumbhead, but he sure is strange.I'm no dumbhead, just a little slow.
n. a stupid oaf. (Also a rude term of address.)
Say, dumbo, could you move out of the way?Who's the dumbo in the plaid pants?
n. a stupid person.
He's not the dumbski he seems to be.They used to think Gert was a dumbski.
n. a stupid person.
Don't be such a dummy.I'm no dummy!
n. an earnest student. (Collegiate.)
Don't call Bob a dweeb! Even if he is one.The dweebs get all the A's, so why work?
n. a strange or eccentric person; a nerd.
This place is filled with dweebs of all sizes.Here comes a dweeb. Ask him for some money.
feather brain
n. a stupid person. (Also a rude term of address.)
Gary is such a feather brain.Hey, feather brain. Wake up and get busy!
n. an oaf; a stupid person. (From feebleminded.)
Don't be a feeb. Wake up!You are such a feeb!
n. a stupid and inept person. (Derogatory.)
The guy's a fish. He can't do anything right.Don't be such a fish, Martin. Anyone can work a can opener.
n. a stupid person.
Carl, don't act like such a flathead.He may seem slow, but Carl is no flathead.
frog face
n. a nerd; a geek. (Especially as a rude term of address.)
Look here, frog face, what makes you think you can talk to me that way?Wally is such a frog face. Does he take nerd classes or what?
gazizzey and gazob
n. a fool.
What gazizzey put the sugar in the salt shaker?Don't call me a gazob!
n. a fool; an oaf.
What a gleep! Does he know what's what?Don't act like such a gleep!
n. a stupid oaf; a social reject. (From the television character Gomer Pyle.)
Who's that gomer in the overalls?That gomer is my Uncle Ben.
n. a fool; a stupid person. (Also a rude term of address.)
What silly goobrain put sugar in the salt shaker?Look, goobrain, think about it for a while. You'll catch on.
goofball and goofer
n. a stupid person; a fool.
You are such a silly goofball.Chuck acts like a goofer, but he's really with it.
goofus and goopus
n. a foolish oaf. (Also a term of address.)
You're just acting like a goofus. Be serious!Hey, goopus! Come here!
n. a stupid person; a fool.
Oh, Wally, you're such a goon sometimes.Todd is a silly goon, but he's a lot of fun at parties.
n. a silly oaf; an oaf.
Oh, I'm such a silly goose!What a goose you are!
n. a fool; a dupe.
Martin acts like such a gork sometimes.The gorks are taking over the world!
n. someone who does stupid things like the character Gumby.
Fred is a total gumbyhead. He does all the wrong things.Don't be a gumbyhead. Don't drink and drive.
n. a fool; an oaf.
Who's the gump in the yellow slacks?Don't act like such a gump!
n. a stupid and worthless person—meat.
The guy is just hamburger. You can't teach him anything.There is a lot of hamburger around here. Who hired them?
n. a stupid person; a person whose head seems to be as solid as a hammer.
You can be such a hammerhead!What a hammerhead! Totally dense!
helium head
n. a fool; an airhead.
Well, what's that helium head done now?You can be such a helium head without even trying.
horse's ass
n. a fool. (Crude. Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
My ex-husband was a real horse's ass.Stop being such a horse's ass and listen to some sense.
n. a stupid person. (Someone who has gelatin where brains ought to be.)
The guy's a jel. Forget him.Oh, Wallace, don't act like such a jel.
jive turkey
n. a stupid person.
What jive turkey made this mess?Get that jive turkey out of here!
Joe Schmo
n. a jerk.
Joe Schmo doesn't really care.Let's say Joe Schmo wants a new car. What does he do?
n. a stupid person.
You can be such a jughead!I guess I'm sort of a jughead lately.
klutz and klotz
n. a stupid and clumsy person.
Don't be a klutz!Some klotz put mustard in the stew.
n. a stupid person.
Don't be such a knothead!You're no knothead. You're just great!
n. a stupid person.
Oh, I feel like such a knucklehead!Don't worry, you're not a knucklehead.
lame and laine; lane
n. an inept person.
The guy turned out to be a lame, and we had to fire him.Maybe the lane can work in the front office answering phones or something.
lamebrain and lame-brain
n. a fool.
Please don't call me a lamebrain. I do my best.What a lame-brain! She put scallops in scalloped potatoes!
n. a stupid person.
What a lardhead! Where are your brains?I'm not a lardhead. I dwell in a different dimension.
n. a stupid person.
Why is Frank such a lorg? Can't he get with it?Tell that lorg to find his own chair.
n. a stupid person. (Also a term of address.)
What a lughead! How can you be so dumb?Hey, lughead! Watch where you are going.
lummox and lommix; lummux
n. a heavy, awkward, stupid person.
He looks like a big lummox, but he can really dance.Bruno is what you would call a lommix—but not to his face, of course.
n. a stupid clod of a man.
I am not a lump! I am just sedate and pensive.Who is that lump leaning over the bar?
n. a stupid oaf.
You are a silly lumpus!Is this lumpus giving you any trouble, ma'am?
marble dome
n. a stupid person. (Someone who has marble where brains should be.)
The guy's a marble dome. He has no knowledge of what's going on around him.Is this marble dome giving you any trouble?
n. a stupid person; a simpleton. (Also a term of address.)
Oh, Donna, you are such a McFly!Hey, McFly! What do you think you are doing?
n. a stupid oaf.
Don't call him a meathead. He does his best.Is this meathead bothering you, miss?
n. a very stupid person.
What a wimpy megadork!Tiffany, you are, like, such a megadork!
n. a stupid person.
You're such a mental lately.Don't be a mental.
mental midget
n. a stupid person.
I hate to seem like a mental midget, but what's so great about that?This mental midget here thinks he can solve it for us.
n. a hopeless, stupid person.
Harry has turned into a mess.The guy's a mess!
n. a stupid-acting person.
I always end up with a mouthbreather on a blind date.Who's the mouth-breather with Fred?
n. a stupid man; a man who has muscle where there should be brains. (Also a rude term of address.)
Look, musclehead, do exactly what I tell you!An overstuffed musclehead waddled over and offered to bend me in half if I didn't beat it.
n. a stupid person.
Oh, good grief, I'm such a mushhead!Who is the mushhead in the cowboy boots?
n. a total jerk; a social outcast. (Also a term of address.)
Sam, you act like such a mutant!Hey, mutant! Get out of the way!
n. a simpleton; a nerd.
Susan is a total nimrod. She does such dumb things!What stupid nimrod left the lid off the cottage cheese?
n. someone who behaves stupidly. (Also a term of address.)
You are such a nitwit!Please stop acting like a nitwit all the time.
n. a stupid person. (Patterned on lowbrow.)
Sam is a complete nobrow. No culture, no sense of style, and no money.Max is a total drip. No-brow and a phony.
n. a stupid person.
Stop acting like such a nutcake all the time.My sister can be a real nutcake if she tries.
palooka and paluka
n. a stupid person; an unskilled prizefighter; any mediocre person. (Also a term of address. From the name of the comic-strip prizefighter “Joe Palooka.”)
Tell that stupid palooka to sit down and shut up.Get out of here, you paluka. You're just in the way.
n. someone who is both stupid and stubborn.
Stop acting like such a pighead!She'll never change her mind. She's a real pighead.
n. a person who acts very stupidly. (Also a term of address.)
Sometimes you act like such a poophead.Look here, poophead, you're making a fool of yourself.
n. a stupid person.
Stop acting like a potatohead.Look, potatohead, go home!
n. someone, usually a male, who acts very stupid.
Please stop being such a puddinghead.That puddinghead sold my antique table for junk!
n. a stupid person. (As if the person's head were soft as putty. Also a term of address.)
Look, you silly puttyhead, shut up!Stop acting like a puttyhead.
n. a stupid person, typically a male; a schmuck. (Yiddish. Also a rude term of address.)
And this stupid putz just stood there smiling.Tell that putz to leave his card with the secretary.
n. a stupid person.
Is that rattlebrain here again?Please try not to be such a rattlebrain! Pay attention to what you are doing.
n. a stupid person. (Also a term of address.)
Don't be a retard! Get with it!Look, you retard, get busy.
room for rent
n. a person who acts very stupid. (Also a term of address. This implies that one's head is so empty of brains that the space could be rented out.)
Hey, room for rent, wake up and pay attention.My brother is a room for rent if I ever saw one. What a dope!
rumdum and rum-dum
n. a stupid person.
Hey, rumdum, wise up and do what you are told.Don't be such a rumdum.
n. a stupid person.
That poor sap thinks he can convince them.Who is that miserable looking sap in the corner?
schlemazel and schlemozzle; shlimazl
n. an awkward, bumbling person; a loser. (Yiddish.)
And this poor schlemazel tries to get me to help him paint his fence!That schlemozzle is afraid of his own shadow.
schlep and shlep
n. a stupid person; a bothersome person. (Literally, a drag.)
What a schlep! The guy's a real pain. people -Ask that shlep to wait in the hall until I am free. I'll sneak out the back way.
schloomp and schlump; shlump
n. a stupid and lazy person. (From German via Yiddish.)
Tell that schloomp to get busy or get out.Do you work hard? I don't hire any schlumps.
schmegegge and schmegeggy
n. a stupid person. (Yiddish.)
Who is that schmegegge in the plaid pants?Ask the schmegeggy standing over by the workbench if he's seen my sky hook.
schmendrick and shmendrick
n. a stupid and ineffectual nobody. (Yiddish.)
Some schmendrick from downstairs asked if you could turn down your stereo.Tell the shmendrick to drop dead.
schmo and shmo; schmoe; shmoe
n. a foolish and naive person, usually a male. (Yiddish.)
What a schmo! He thinks I caused the problem.Tell the silly schmoe to beat it.
n. a simpleton.
You are such a simp!Why did some simp feel it necessary to do this?
n. a simple-minded person. (A smurf is an innocent little cartoon character.)
You can be such a smurfbrain!You're not a smurfbrain, I suppose?
stupe and stoop
n. a stupid person. (Also a term of address.)
Look, stoop, just do what you are told.Don't be a stupe! Use your head!
n. a stupid person; a blockhead. (Also a term of address.)
What a stupehead!This stupehead keeps trying to sell me something.
n. a stupid person.
Who's the turkey who put the scallops in the scalloped potatoes?You are such a turkey!
n. a stupid person. (Also a term of address.)
What a yuppie twit!Hey, you twit, get off my lawn!
n. a stupid person.
Where is your brain, you veg?Some veg put scallops in the scalloped potatoes.
n. a stupid person.
Gee, you can be such a weenie!Who's the weenie driving the old car?
wiener nose
n. a simpleton. (Also a derogatory term of address.)
Look, wiener nose, mind your own business.Todd, you are such a wiener nose!
yack and yock; yuck; yuk
n. a foolish person.
Who's the yock wearing the red bandana?Get some yuk to do it. I'm busy.
n. a rustic oaf; an uncouth jerk.
Ask that yahoo to close the door after him.What yahoo brought this dog in here?
n. a fool; a simpleton.
Don't act like such a yutz!Who is the yutz blocking the doorway?
n. a stupid person; a jerk.
Who's the zerk in the plaid pants?Don't be a zerk! Do what you're told.
n. a worthless person; a person who amounts to zero.
Who is that silly zip carrying all the books?Garth is such a zip. No brains in his head at all.
n. a very stupid person.
Is this some kind of gathering of zombies and mouth-breathers or something?Please ask one of those zombies to stand by the door.




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