your ears are burning
your ears are flapping
your ears are red
your ears are ringing
your ears must be burning
your ears were red
your ears were ringing
You're breaking my heart!
you're breaking my heart
you're chicken
You're dern tootin'!
You're excused
you're getting warm
your egg money
you're going to kill
you're going to murder
you're having me on
you're imagining things
you're in luck
you're in the army now
You're in the army now!
you're in there
You're in there!
you're it
You're it!
you're joking
You're joking!
you're just too much!
you're just too much
you're kidding
you're kidding (me)
You're Kidding Me
your elders and betters
you're never too old to learn
youre never too old to learn
you're not bothered
you're not going to bite
you're not going to eat
you're not going to thank
you're not the only pebble on the beach
you're nuts
you're on!
you're on
you're only as old as you feel
you're only young once
You're out of your mind!
you're pulling my leg
you're putting me on
you're right, you fox
you're seeing things
you're sharing
you're, she's etc all right Jack
you're telling me!
you're telling me
youre telling me
You're telling me!
youre telling me!
you're the boss
You're the doctor.
You're the doctor
you're the doctor!
You're too much!
you're too much
You're wasting my time
you're welcome
youre welcome
your eyes are bigger than your belly
your eyes are bigger than your stomach
your eyes are out on stalks
your eyes are popping out of your head
your eyes glued on something
your eyes glued to
your eyes glued to something
your eyes nearly pop out of your head
your eyes pop out of head
your eyes pop out of your head
your eyes popped out of your head
your eyes were bigger than your belly
your eyes were bigger than your stomach
your eyes were popping out of your head
your face doesn't fit
your face falls
your face fits
your face is a picture
your face is like thunder
your face was like thunder
your fair-haired boy
your fair share
your fair share of
your fair share of something
your fairy godmother
your fate is sealed
your feet on the ground
your fill
your fill of
your final resting place
your final word
your finest hour
your finger on the pulse
your finger on the pulse of
your finger on the pulse of something
your fingers itch
your flesh and blood
your folks
your future looks bright
Your Game
your gig is up
your gig's up
your gig was up
your girlfriend
your glad rags
Your Good Buddy
your good deed for the day
your good deed of the day
your goods and chattels
your goose is cooked
your goose was cooked
your gorge rises
your gorge rises at
Your guess is as good as mine.
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