The act of sending, or state of being sent, with certain powers, to do some special service. 派遣;受派遣。 A business or duty on which one is sent. 任务;使命。 Every man and woman has a mission in life. 人各有当尽之天职。 A calling, esp. to preach and spread a religion. 传道;传教。 A series of special religious services. 各种宗教仪式。 An organization for doing religious and charitable work, esp. one dependent on one or more churches. 传道机构;慈善团体。 A body of people sent to perform a special work, as envoys or delegates. 使节团;代表团。 A body of persons spreading a religion in a foreign land; also, their organization and residence. 传教团;传教机构;传教地区。 |