Strength or effectiveness; worth. 效力;价值 the virtue of exercise 运动的效力。 Excellence or merit. 优点;特长 It has the virtue of resisting temperature. 此物有耐寒暑之优点。 General moral excellence; uprightness; rectitude. 美德;正直;公正。 A specific kind of goodness. 美德。 Patience is a virtue. 忍耐是一种美德。 a woman who has lost her virtue 已失操之妇人。 Virtue is its own reward. 为善最乐。 make a virtue of necessity 爽爽快快的做非做不可的事;将就不理想的实际情况。 the cardinal virtues 基本美德(审慎、坚毅、克制、公正)。 adj. virtuous. adv. virtuously. n. virtuousness. |