(Woman's garment) without a part covering the breasts. (衣服)露胸的。 (Woman) wearing such a garment. 着上空装的。 (Mountain) so high that its top can't be seen. (山)极高而看不见顶的;高耸入云的。 Employing or featuring waitresses, dancers, or others wearing topless garments. 雇用或以穿上空装的女侍、舞娘等为号召的。 A topless waitress, dancer, etc. 上空女侍或舞娘。 A topless dress, bathing suit, etc. 上空服装;泳衣。 A bar, restaurant, nightclub, etc., featuring topless waitresses or performers. 以上空装女侍或表演者招徕顾客的酒吧、餐厅、夜总会等。 |