Liquid preparation of resin used for giving gloss to the surface of wood or metal work. (涂于木或金属器上的)假漆;清漆。 Polished surface; gloss. 光泽面;润泽。 Outside smoothness or gloss, as of politeness. 文饰;虚饰(如外表的礼仪) with a varnish of good manners 装着有礼貌的样子。 To cover with such a liquid. 涂以假漆。 Varnish the bookcase and give it a coat of wax. 上清漆于那书橱使之光滑似蜡。 To give a good appearance to. 虚饰;掩饰。 to varnish his defects 掩饰其过失。 To adorn; embellish. 文饰;美化。 |