Bad or ill to a larger extent; more evil or corrupt. 更坏的;更劣的;更恶的。 The situation is much worse than what I thought. 情况比我想像的糟得多。 It might have been worse. 它原本可能会更糟﹝这样到还不算太糟﹞。 Less good; more sick. 较坏的;病势较剧的。 (and) what is worse 更糟的是…。 Comparative of badly or ill; in a less good manner or degree. 更恶劣地;更坏地。 The wind is blowing worse than before. 风愈刮愈强。 none the worse 安然无恙;尽管…(还是…,仍然…)。 That which is less good. 较劣之事物。 go from bad to worse 每下愈况。 |