One person or thing of a number which make up a group. 个体;一个,一人。 The least whole number; one. 【数】最小之整数;一。 One undivided number or amount, as opposed to a fractional one. 【数】一个完整未分的数或量(分数之相对)。 Single group in an association or organization made up of groups. (组成团体或组织的)单位。 A fixed amount, quantity, distance, etc. taken as a standard of measurement. 标准量;单位 A pound is a unit of measurement for weight. 磅为计算重量之单位。 Apparatus or machine having a specific purpose. 有特定功能的装置或机器。 unit pricing 单位标价;单价(以磅、盎司或其他标准单位计算的价格,与总标价一起标出)。 unit rule 【美】(民主党代表团在出席全国大会提名总统候选人时)几个州联合投票规定(在该代表团中少数应服从多数)。 unit trust 【英】联合托辣斯(共同投资的企业;互惠基金)。 |