A collection of people; a company. 一群人;一团。 a troop of children going to school 一队前往学校的儿童。 In the Boy Scouts, a formation consisting of a certain number of patrols. (童子军之)四哨队团(四个哨队所成之一团体,每哨队有斥候八人)。 The unit of cavalry formation, commanded by a captain. 骑兵小队(由上尉统率)。 Armed forces; soldiers collectively. 军队。 All the children trooped out at once. 儿童立刻结队而出。 To collect or move in crowds. 群集;成群而行。 troop the colors 【军】(英国国王或女王诞辰时)举行掌旗阅兵式。 troop carrier (a)军队运输机。(b)运送步兵用的水陆两用装甲车。 |