A simple part of a more complicated whole; ingredient. 元素;成份。 Cells are elements of living bodies. 细胞为构成生物之元素。 A first or main principle. (常用复数)原理;初步。 Natural environment, or the life with which one is familiar. (人或物的)天然环境;适应的环境。 Any one of more than 100 fundamental substances which cannot be decomposed by ordinary means, as gold, oxygen, etc. 【化】元素(如金、氧等)。物质的基本分类。一种元素的物质仅由一种原子构成。不同元素的原子有不同的质子的数目(即原子数)。在中性的原子中,质子数目与电子数目相等,而电子的数目与排列,决定了元素的化学特性。 Any of the four substances, as earth, air, fire and water, from which (it was believed) everything was made. 四行(地、风、火、水)之一。 Atmospheric powers or forces, weather conditions. 自然力(指风、雨等)。 An integral part of a device, machine, or instrument necessary to its proper functioning. 【电】元件;零件。 In [out of ] one's element 在[不在]适当的环境中;得[不得]其所。 |