/ˏorɪєn`teʃәn/ /ˏɔrɪєn`teʃәn/ The finding of the east point so as to get one's bearings. 找出东方所在以定方位。 The act of facing toward the east in worship. 礼拜时面朝向东。 The placing of an object with respect to certain fixed points of direction. (依方向而)定位。 Also, the position so determined. 所定之位。 The placing of a church so that the altar shall be at the east end. 教堂的定位(使神坛在东端)。 Instruction designed to make one adjusted to new surroundings or employment. 讲习指导;新生训练(使新加入者对环境、工作能早日适应所作的指导)。 |