To make indistinct in outline; dim. 使模糊不清。 Tears blurred my eyes. 眼泪模糊了我的眼睛。 The windows were blurred with soot. 窗户为煤烟所污。 To become indistinct in outline. 轮廓不清。 My eyes blurred with tears. 我泪眼模糊。 To be smeared or stained. 涂污;污损。 A smudge; smear, as of ink. 污点;污斑(如墨水)。 a blur on one's good name 名誉上的污点。 An indistinct or confused appearance. (常育单数)模糊;不分明。 That picture is a mere blur. 那张画模糊不清。 |