The edge of a cloth turned back and sewed down to prevent fraying. 衣之摺边;缘。 To fold over and sew down the edge of (a cloth or garment). 给(衣服等)缝边;缝边。 Mother hemmed the dress. 母亲缝衣服边。 To shut in; surround. 包围;围绕。 His car was hemmed in by traffic. 他的车子被繁忙的交通困住。 Expressing doubt, or used to attract attention. 哼!(表示疑惑或唤起注意时所发之声)。 The utterance or sound of hem. 假咳声;哼声。 To utter the coughing sound, better expressed by hem. 作假咳声;发哼声。 To stammer or hesitate in speaking. 口吃;言语支吾。 |