An act of setting opposite or over against. 对立;反对;对抗。 The enemy met with opposition everywhere. 敌人到处遭到抵抗。 They are in opposition to each other. 他们水火不相容。 Antagonism or hostility. 敌对。 A person or group of persons opposing, criticizing or protesting something, someone, or another group. 敌对者;敌对团体。 The political party that does not support the party in power. 反对党;在野党。 The relation of two heavenly bodies to each other when their longitudes differ by 180 degrees. 【天】冲(二天体经度相距一百八十度的地位)。 The relation between two propositions which have the same subject and predicate, but which differ in quantity or quality, or in both. (逻辑上)对当。 in opposition (a)(政党等)在野的。(b)相反的。 offer opposition to 反对;抵抗。 Her [His] Majesty's Opposition 【英】反对党;在野党。 |