词汇 | line |
释义 | line /laɪn/ line 1 n. A mark drawn by pen or pencil; also, a wrinkle, as in the skin; crease. (笔划之)线条;(皮肤等的)皱纹;摺痕。 A strong, slender string or cord. 线;索;绳;缆。 A row. 行;列;排。 a line of trees 一排树。 All three boats seemed to be in line. 三艘船似乎成为一行。 An oriented state of harmonious agreement. 一致;协调。 A boundary. 界限;疆界。 to cross the line into Canada 越过疆界进入加拿大。 Hence, any limit; scope of activity. 限制;范围。 We draw the line there. 我们以此为止。 An imaginary circle on the globe. (地球上之)经纬线。 a line of latitude 纬度线。 The equator. [the ~] 赤道线。 A defining outline; contour. [~s] 外观线条;轮廓。 A course of action, conduct, or thought. (常用复数)行动方向;思想路线;方针。 A field of business or professional activity. 职业;行业。 His line was drugs. 他以贩毒为生。 He is uncommonly powerful in his own line. 在其行业中他有不寻常的势力。 Also, a stock of goods of a specified kind. 存货;一批货物。 a line of perfumes 一批香水。 A row of printed or written letters or words; hence, a verse of poetry; a short letter. 一行字;一排字;一行诗;短简。 The general's report included a line of praise of his gallantry. 将军之报告中有一行文字赞美他英勇。 I received a line from my friend. 我收到朋友一封短简。 Family; descent. 家族;家系。 He comes of a good line. 他出身名门。 Vehicles, cars, trains, ships, etc. making up a system of transportation。 交通线路;航线。 Railroad tracks or roadbed. 火车轨道。 Also, a wire in a telephone system. 电话线。 That which has length, but no breadth or thickness. 【数】几何(无宽无厚之)线。 A row of defended positions. 【军】防线。 a trench in the front line 前线之壕沟。 A row of tents in a military camp. 【军】(军队中的)一列营帐。 The words of a part in a play. [~s] 台词。 A marriage certificate. 结婚证书。 Fighting forces of an army. 作战部队。 Glib conversation used to influence people to their detriment. 【俚】伶俐伤人的言词。 Particular route or track. 路线;行程。 Wire or pipe for conducting electricity or fluids. 线;管(导引电或水流等)。 (In games) mark made to limit a court or ground, or special parts of them. (竞技)运动场的界线;场线。 phrases all (right) along (down) the line 【口】完全地;无所不至地。 be (in) one's line 【口】擅长;合乎性情。 below the line 未及某一水准。 blow one's line (演员)忘了自己的台词。 bring (come) into line (with) 使一致或同意;使合作;使成一列。 come (get; fall) into line 排成一行;就列;(与某人)合作。 draw the line at 拒绝去做(接受)...;以...为限度。 drop (send) a line (a few lines) 【口】写一封短函给(某人)。 get (have) a line on 【口】得知...。 get out of line 合作;顺从。 give a line on 不合作;难相处;不服从。 give a line on (非正式用法)给与...方面的消息。 give sb line enough 欲擒故纵;放长线钓大鱼。 have (get) one's lines (wires) crossed (=with one's lines (wires) crossed; sb's lines (wires) are crossed). 【口】弄错(某人的意思或所求)。 hard lines 坏运气;真倒霉! hold the line 坚守;不退却;维持原状;电话不挂断。 in a line 排成一队;整队。 in line (a)整队。(b)和谐;一致。(c)行为合宜;合于所求。 in line for 要争取(工作、地位等);有机会得到...。 in line with 与...成一直线;与...一致。 in the firing line 【口】处在被攻击或受惩的状态。 in (the) line of duty 在执行职务中。 in the line of fire 夹在二对敌之间而有受池鱼之殃的危险。 into line (a)和...一致。(b)在...控制之下。 keep to (take) one's own line 安分守己;固守自己的方针。 lay (put) it on the line (a)【美】【口】坦率或强调地陈述。(b)【美】【口】赌以(名声、生命...);冒...之险。 on a line 排成平整;平坦地。 on (off) line 【口】(指机器人或人群)工作(不工作);操作中(失灵)。 on the line (a)(挂画等)在视线水平处。(b)在界(分歧)线上;暴露在危险之下。(c)立刻。 on (along) the lines of 遵循(前例或原则);似...的。 on these lines 按此方针(进行等)。 on top line (非正式用法)尽可能地做好。 out of line (a)不在一直线上。(b)不和谐;不一致。(c)行为不检。 out of sb's line 不合性情;不擅长。 reach the end of the line (关系等)断绝;终了。 read between the lines 听出弦外之音(了解其中隐讳之处)。 shoot a line 【古】【俚】吹牛。 take a line 采定方针而行。 the (a) hot line (非正式用法)热线。 the line of least resistance (非正式用法)最简单可能的办法。 toe the line (非正式用法)服从命令;接受意见、原则等等。 (过去式: lined; 过去完成式: lined; 现在进行式: lining) v.t. To draw line upon. 画线于。 Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically. 用直线和横线在纸上画出图表。 To place in a row side by side. 排列成行。 The teacher lines the pupils up according to height. 老师按高矮将学生排出一行。 To establish a row along. 沿...而排列。 The street is lined with trees. 街道两旁排列着树。 to line a path with roses 沿途植玫瑰。 To mark or cover with a line or lines. 使起皱纹。 To throw or hit (the ball) swiftly and close to the ground. 【体】(棒球)投出或打出平飞球。 To show by lines; outline. 勾勒出轮廓;概略描述。 v.i. To form a row. 列成行。 phrases line in 用线(在图上)标示(细部);画...的轮廓。 line off 用线划分。 line out (a)画...的轮廓;画出要删掉的部分。(b)【体】(棒球)击出平飞球被接杀出局。 line through (画线)删除;抹消。 line up 排队;整队;排成一线;排成队伍;安排(对候选人的支持)。 idoms line abreast (ahead, astern) 【军】(海军)横(纵)队或阵。 line drive 【体】(棒球)平飞球。 line engraving 线雕;线雕画。 line graph 曲线图。 line of battle 【军】排成作战队形的士兵(舰艇);布阵;战列。 line of duty 职务;(特指)军务。 line officer 【军】作战指挥官。 line of fire 【军】火线;弹道。 line of force 力线;磁力线 line of life (手相)生命线。 line of scrimmage 【体】(美式橄榄球)起赛线。 line of sight 视线;瞄准线。 line score (棒球赛的)总记录表。 line segment 【数】线段。 line 2 (过去式: lined; 过去完成式: lined; 现在进行式: lining) v.t. To cover the inside of, as a garment. 衬里。 They lined the box with paper. 他们在箱子里衬上一层纸。 To serve as the inside covering of. 当作衬里。 Silk lined the coat. 这件外套用丝绸作衬里。 To put something inside; fill. 装;填入。 to line one's pocket 把东西装入口袋。 |
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