To test or try by an experiment. 试验。 They proved up the copper deposit. 他们钻验此铜矿矿床。 To demonstrate by argument or evidence. 证明。 I was told it was dangerous, and have now proved it. 我听说那有危险,现在果然证明是真的。 He proved it (to be) true. (=He proved that it was true.) 他证明它是真的。 To cause to be accepted as genuine. 检定。 To learn by experience. 由经验得知;体验。 We will all the pleasures prove. 我们将尝试各种乐事。 To turn out to be. 结果是...。 The report proves to be true. 此项报告已证实为真。 The exception proves the rule. 例外能反证规则。 proving ground (新兵器、理论等的)实验场。 n. prover. adj. provable. |